Reference 1


The below link will lead you directly to the article which is being reviewed, the article in question is about a picture produced by the famous American photographer Alfred Stieglitz, named The Steerage, dated 1907.

Starting with the source itself, being the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it can be said that this is a primary source, since the museum holds the named image in one of the several collections in hold. Hence a deep study of the image and its detail is possible thanks to a direct reference to this image in particular.

The article starts by introducing Alfred Stieglitz directly with the connection to the photographic publications namely Camera Notes and Camera works of which he was the author also as the proprietor of the Little Galleries of the Photo Secession. These sources enable a person to further research on the connections between the photographer himself and his creations apart the photographic work itself. Back to the image named The Steerage, it is stated that this is the artist’s transformation from the ordinary subjects to the documentation of everyday life. In earlier work Stieglitz already started to make a transition from the ordinary image into capturing everyday life events as an art form, such as in the image named “Winter – Fifth Avenue” produced in 1893.

The image displayed enables a general view of the photography produced by Stieglitz, three other images can be accessed to display a larger view on the most relevant parts with more in depth detail which are vital.

The Steerage (1907) by Alfred Stieglitz

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